Marvel Comics has a character named Jean Grey who became Phoenix - a cosmic entity in the Marvel universe. The statue comes in 3 variants representative of Phoenix' different stages in life, the SDCC exclusive white Phoenix and a non-exclusive good girl green Phoenix and the good girl gone bad version Dark Phoenix. Today, we're taking a look at Kotobukiya's Dark Phoenix Bishoujo 1/6th scale statue.
This statue is one of my earlier purchase and these pics were taken a while back. This statue looks great and here are some more pics to enjoy. The statue has translucent parts like the ends of the sash, hair tips and the fingers. In this photo, you can see how my light source from behind makes those parts "glow."
Here is a closer look at her face at an angle.
As you can see, it's not a flattering angle. The paint job on the lips seem off at this angle. The sculpt and paint job on Dark Phoenix's face seem best suited for a frontal angle like these next photos.
And the last photo I have shows the statue with the's also translucent by the way and I wish I had another speedlight to light that up for the photo.
This was a fun shoot and I really didn't think of making a review of the statue at the time I shot this...that's why I don't have any detail shots to show. But the quality of the statue is great, my copy doesn't have any bad paint job on it. Other than the bad angle of the face, this is a statue I'm happy to have in my stable.
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