Saturday, June 8, 2013

BBM coming to iOS and Android

Well, this is an interesting move from RIM. Blackberry's proprietary messaging service AKA BBM will be made available to Apple's iOS and Google's Android. When? more to find out.

Some people I know actually bought Blackberries because of BBM. Now with the popularity of data on mobile phones, other messaging apps have been made; Apple even made one.

The availability of other messaging apps actually pushed Blackberry users to switch to other platforms. And loyal users who cling to their Blackberries because of BBM might finally abandon it for a different smartphone with the BBM app.

So how soon will BBM be available on your iPhone or S4 (and other Android device)? Well, the date is still up in the air and will depend if and when Apple and Google approves BBM. Early rumors pointed to a June 27 date, but RIM clarified that they do not have a date yet.

*credit given to the owners of the images

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