Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Plants vs. Zombies 2 coming soon

Well, the picture says it all. For all the fans of this game, including me, the sequel is finally coming out this July. Popcap made a funny video showing different fans of the game clamoring for the a sequel, read more to watch the video.

Here are some of my top 5 expectations for the sequel:

  1. New plants.
  2. New zombies.
  3. A better mini game.
  4. No in game purchases.
  5. Crazy Dave should do something.
The first two I think will pretty much happen. I also hope that we can get a new mini game that's more action oriented compared to the gardening game where we basically just wait to collect coins. To my recollection, Plants vs Zombies do not have an in-app purchase and I hope they can keep it that way. Lastly, I do hope they can involve Crazy Dave in defending the garden...maybe we can give him a BB gun and he can snipe from the roof for a price?

Some speculates that the game might take us through different periods in time because of the sub title "It's about time". If that happens, it will be interesting to see how the design of plants and zombies will look like based on different time periods.

Well, I hope EA can make a great sequel...EA is popular for making sport games like NBA Live. EA acquired Popcap so it will be interesting to see how EA influences the overall game design with this coming sequel.

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